Control the warmth of your home intelligently with your smartphone.
We will carry out a compulsory annual inspection thoroughly with an emphasis on quality and safety.
Does the boiler display an error? Doesn't the boiler heat or make strange noise? We diagnose the error and propose a repair with the implementation date.
Have you decided on a boiler installation? We will advise you on the selection, provide everything you need for installation and turn the boiler into full service.
Rozhodli ste sa pre montáž kotla? Poradíme vám pri výbere, zabezpečíme všetko potrebné na inštaláciu a plne spojazdníme.
Vyhodil vám kotol chybu? Nekúri alebo vydáva divné zvuky? Diagnostikujeme chybu a navrhneme opravu aj s termínom realizácie.
Sme tu pre vás. Zavolajte nám +421 908 554 880 alebo využite našu online rezerváciu.